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Usuario discusión:Thomas

De Vikidia
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¡Hola, Thomas! Te doy la bienvenida a Vikidia en español.

Logo de Vikidia en español

Vikidia es una enciclopedia libre para niños y jóvenes de entre 8 y 13 años, para los que quieren una enciclopedia con una presentación sencilla de un tema y para los que están aprendiendo el castellano. La versión española comenzó el 10 de mayo de 2008 y todos pueden editarla, sin importar su edad. Esta enciclopedia libre está disponible también en otros idiomas.

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P) --Szyx 08:01 12 may 2008 (UTC)

Pages supprimées[editar código]

J'ai supprimé les catégories dont tu avais demandé la suppression ou blanchi directement. Indique-moi si c'est ce que tu voulais et, le cas échéant, celles à restaurer. Fais-toi élire sysop :-) et à bientôt. --Bertrand GRONDIN 15:03 18 may 2008 (UTC)

Robots[editar código]

Hi. I am not sure about changing Gigi's name into "Jiji". ¿Do you think it is better? The good part to use "Jiji" is that kids will know where does the bot's name from.

About Achille: in that case, without doubt I think it is better to use "Aquiles" (in spanish). --Racso 04:55 21 may 2008 (UTC)

Category[editar código]


I was writting you here a little tutorial about accents, but it got really complicated :S. Still, I put a little summary at the end of this message, in case you want still to read about it (they are still some exceptions, but it will do the job :P).

I think you can put the words always without accents, and I will fix them for you :).

And now, about es or s:

  • If the word ends in a consonant (any letter other than "a,e,i,o,u"), you put "es".
  • If the word ends in a vowel ("a,e,i,o,u"), you put "s".

Greets!! --Racso 20:53 21 may 2008 (UTC)

Accents[editar código]

We have 3 kind of words in spanish (talking about accent):

  • Agudas: They have the accent in the first syllabe. If I am right, in french every word is aguda. (note: i am not sure about how do you call the accent in french. I am not talkin about the symbol (´), but the syllabe that is stronger than the others. In all case, when you see a ´, that syllabe has the accent).
    Examples: Amar (a-mar), comer (co-mer), avión (a-vi-ón)
    Those words have an accent if they finish in n, s, or a vowel.
  • Graves: They have the accent in the second syllabe.
    Examples: Venus (ve-nus), Marte (mar-te), enciclopedia (en-ci-clo-pe-dia), árbol (ár-bol)
    Those have an accent if they do NOT finish in n, s, nor a vowel.
  • Esdrújulas: they have the accent in the 3rd syllabe.
    Examples: esdrújula (es-drú-ju-la), teléfono (te--fo-no)
    They allways have accent.

nommage, préfixes et espaces de nom[editar código]

Bonsoir Thomas,

Félicitation pour fournir dès le début les outils comme Gigi ici, tu les gâtes ! ça me rapelle qu'il y a d'autres choses à faire de mon côté : créer des espaces de nom portail et projet par ex. Par contre j'ai un doute sur le nommage des catégories que tu a initié, que j'explique ici ([1]) Astirmays 21:17 21 may 2008 (UTC)

Hey Thomas, I have a question: ¿why don't we upload the images with names in spanish? Gigi could search easier, and the kids too. ¿It is because the CC? I think that if we put the original name (and the author, of course), it would not exist any problem. --Racso 02:58 22 may 2008 (UTC)
Hmm, I am testing Gigi, and now I understand. The bot searches in commons for images, and uploads them here! I though it did another thing totally diferent, but this is really nice! Congratulations! What a great tool! --Racso 04:36 22 may 2008 (UTC) Hmm... ¿and what do you think about an input that asks an optional name, so we can put them here with a name in spanish?
I didn't understand what you meant with "Aquiles will create redirect realname blank pages"...
Another thing: to avoid overwrite, ¿why could not Aquiles put a number at the end of the name if it finds a file with the same? For example, if we try to upload "Sol.jpg" and it finds another file with that name, it can rename the file we are uploading to "Sol(1).jpg", and try again (and increase the number if it finds again a problem, until there is not repeated name). ¿It is too dificult to program that? If it is, don't bother yourself with that; Gigi is a great tool now. Greets!! --Racso 05:45 22 may 2008 (UTC)

Understood :) --Racso 15:32 22 may 2008 (UTC)

Hi Thomas! I have a doubt: ¿images here should not be in Categoría:Imagen:Animales? I think that Imagen:Jirafa is a too-specific-category, ¿don't you? --Racso 03:58 23 may 2008 (UTC)
The little problem is that we would have too much categories: if we have a category for each animal's gallery (for example, X animals), we will have X extra categories to mantain (and it can make categories exploration a bit dificultier). I would prefer to have all the mammals pictures (for example) in one category, and to put little galleries in the articles. Oh, and to have images with spanish names, so the kids can find their animals easier (Jirafa1.jpg, Jirafa2.jpg, Jirafa corriendo.jpg, etc., instead of Zoo3291.jpg, DSC0002830192.jpg, etc.). ¿What do you think? --Racso 06:44 23 may 2008 (UTC)

Translations[editar código]

Done. If you put more, i will translate them as soon as posible. --Racso 18:05 24 may 2008 (UTC)

Hi, Thomas. Look, I am using Gigi right now, but I notice that the text is not showing the spanish characters well ("¡Atención, Gigi solamente va a importar la imagen, pero ningún artículo será ilustrado con ella!"). ¿What happened? --Racso 21:31 7 jun 2008 (UTC)
Hi, Thomas. I notice that there are still french parts in Gigi. I don't want to bother you, so ¿there is any way that other users (me, Iris, Pericallis) could finish the translations directly in Gigi's code? That would help you a bit with that. Or well, we can continue tranlsating them in Gigi's page here. Salut! --Racso 18:15 12 jul 2008 (UTC)

[editar código]

Thomas, the commons logo has copyright! Can we use it here? Did you ask for permission? And for fr:Vikidia? Or should we delete it? --Racso 17:01 24 jun 2008 (UTC)

Gigi[editar código]

Hello. When I tried to use Gigi, the software says that my user or password doesn't exist. But they exist! I don't understand! Can you help me? Thanks. Seeker (discusión) 04:44 27 ene 2009 (UTC).

Gigi in Spanish don't function, does it? Seeker (discusión) 03:25 14 feb 2009 (UTC)
Forget it! Seeker (mensajes) 19:04 18 abr 2009 (UTC)