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Bajo que licencia se publican los artículos en Vikidia? No he podido encontrarlo en ningún lado, y me gustaría saberlo. Gracias. Saludos, Leandro Kibisz — El comentario anterior sin firmar es obra de (discusión · contribuciones). — Tintle · 21:17 4 mar 2019 (UTC)

Did we forget that ??? Well yes we did... On fr.vikidia it's the GFDL, We have to fix it soon, but that's a choice to make. I think that there is 2 choices, that are GFDL only, or 2 licenses : GFDL and Creative Commons.
Oh, yes, the GFDL allready appears on the bottom of the pages when you edit them, in the edit-tools. That is not enought obviously. Astirmays 07:03 10 sep 2008 (UTC)